Lectures & paper presentations (selection)


04/2010: El complejo de tumbas Xuanhua (s. XI-XII) durante el período Liao (907-1127) y el uso de inscripciones túmbales (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Curso de Educación continua, México, 22.04.2010)

03/2010: La Introducción del Budismo en China (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Curso de Educación continua, México, 08.02.2010)


11/2009: Muslim Medicine and Medicinal Drugs in Yuan China (International Workshop “Eurasian Influences on Yuan China: Cross-cultural transmissions in the 13th and 14th centuries”; Binghamton University, Downtown Centre Campus, 20.-21.11.2009, Binghamton, NY, USA.
» workshop programme
» workshop website

11/2009: The Import of Black Slaves (heinu 黑奴) into China: an Analysis of Chinese Sources (The Indian Ocean World Centre, McGill University, Canada, Peterson Hall, 16. 11. 09).
» poster

10/2009: The Liao 遼-Period (907-1127) Xuanhua 宣化-Tomb Complex (11./12. Jh.): An example of cultural and religious diversity and assimilation. [El complejo de tumbas Xuanhua (s. XI-XII) durante el período Liao (907-1127): Un ejemplo de diversidad y asimilación cultural y religiosa]. (CEAA, El Colegio de México, 29. 10. 09).
» invitation

10/2009: Brokers and “Guild” Organizations (huiguan) in China’s Maritime Trade with her Eastern Neighbours during the Ming and Qing Dynasties [Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taibei 明清時期江南市場經濟的空間、制度與網絡國際研討會 International Symposium on the Market Economy of the Lower Yangzi Delta in Late Imperial China: Space, Institutions and Networks (05. - 06. 10. 2009)]
» abstract
» symposium programme

05/2009: China and her Neighbours: Vision and Reality (Department of Chinese Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Belgium, 07. 05. 2009)

04/2009: Historiographie, Moralismus und politische Ethik in der Wudai und Song-Zeit am Beispiel der Beurteilung eines Militärgouverneurs (10. Jh.) in zeitgenössischen historischen Quellen [Historiography, moralism and political ethics in Wudai and Song times exemplified by the assessment of a military governor (10th century) in contemporary sources] (Universität Würzburg, Philosophische Fakultät I, 24. 04. 09)

02/2009: Chinas Aufstieg zur Regional- und Weltmacht – Außenpolitische Ambitionen einer aufstrebenden Nation [China’s rise as regional and world power – foreign political ambitions of a nation striving for progress] (Universität Bonn, Philosophische Fakultät, 05. 02. 09)


08/2008: Sino-Japanese relations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: Some new perspectives (Indian Ocean World Centre, History Department, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)

08/2008: Sino-Japanese relations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: Some new perspectives (Center for Asian and African Studies, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City)

03/2008: Sino-Japanese relations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: Some new perspectives (University of Pennsylvania, Centre for East Asian Studies, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Philadelphia, USA, 31.03.08)

03/2008: Sino-Japanese relations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: Some new perspectives (History Department, Chinese Studies, Victoria University, Wellington, NZ, 06.03.08)

03/2008: Sino-Japanese relations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: Some new perspectives (History Department and Asian Studies Department, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ, 05.03.08)

03/2008: 清朝初中期的中日贸易 – 日本是否蕞爾國? (Sino-Japanese relations during the early and mid Qing Period – Is Japan a Tiny-dwarf-country?) (Nanyang Technological University, Chinese Department, Singapore, 03.03.08)

02/2008: Sino-Japanese relations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: Some new perspectives (Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 26.02.08)

02/2008: Geschichte und Moral im alten China: Leben und Schicksal eines Militärgouverneurs in historischen Quellen der Wudai- und Song-Zeit [History and morality in ancient China: Life and destiny of a military goveror in historical sources of the Wudai and Song period] (Freiburg University, Sinological Department, 01.02.08)

01/2008: Chinas Japan-Spione: Ein eigentümlicher Fall von Wirtschaftsspionage im frühen 18. Jahrhundert [China sends spies to Japan: A curious form of industrial espionage in the early 18th century] (Freiburg University, History Department, 28.01.08)


6/2007: Die Khitan-Allianz und das Schicksal des Wang Chuzhi (863-923) in Quellen der Wudai- und Song-Zeit (Ostasiatisches Seminar, Universität Leipzig)

3/2007: A Buried Past: Tomb Inscriptions (muzhiming) on Stone and Paper (AAS Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, 22.-25.07; Panel 182: Rock, Paper, Scissors: Stone Inscriptions, Local Gazetteers, and the Regional Past in Imperial China)

3/2007: The Role of Copper in Qing Maritime Trade with Japan (until c. 1800) (Workshop: The East Asian „Mediterranean”: Maritime Crossroads of Culture, Commerce, and Human Migration, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of East Asian Studies, Budapest, Hungary, 3.-6.3.07)

2/2007: The East Asian „Mediterranean” (The Korean Transport Institute, Goyang City, Korea)

2/2007: The East Asian „Mediterranean” (History Disputes and Regional Coexistence: East Asia in the Twenty-first Century - Developing our Intellectual Community, International Conference in Celebration of the Dongguk University Centennial, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea, 12. - 13. 02. 07)

1/2007: Gräber, Ahnen und Totenkult im Alten China (Vortrag im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Ringvorlesung, Religionswissenschaft, „Sterben, Tod und Trauer in den Religionen und Kulturen der Welt”, Universität Marburg, WS 2006/07)

1/2007: Besonderheiten der qingzeitlichen Verwaltung des Überseehandels bis ca. 1800 (Workshop: Das Ostchinesische „Mittelmeer” um 1400-1800: Maritime Schnittpunkte von Waren, Personen, Wissen und Kultur, Sinologisches Institut, Universität Marburg, 22. - 23. 01. 07)


12/2006: On the causes of a seventeenth century monetary crisis called 'Kangxi depression';
(Department of Languages and Cultures of South and East Asia, Gent University, Belgium)

10/2006: Horse Trade in the East Asian „Mediterranean” during the Qing Dynasty [The International Horse Economy of Iran, India and China <亚洲的经济贸易与科技交流研讨会> (Economy, Trade, and Technologies in Asia) ETTA, Second Meeting organized by the Austrian Academy of Science, Institute of Iranian Studies, Vienna, and the Department for Asian Studies, Sinology, Munich University, East Asian Maritime History Project, (Vienna, 19-20 October 2006)]

10/2006: The Role of Copper in Qing Maritime Trade with Japan (1st International Workshop of the research group Monies, Markets and Finance in China and East Asia, 1600-1900; Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg University, October 12-16)

06/2006: Internationale Edelmetallströme und die globale Vernetzung der Welt im 16. - 18. Jahrhundert (Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria)

06/2006: – Chinas Aufschwung und die Perspektiven einer ostasiatischen Integration im 21. Jahrhundert (Asien-Afrika-Institut der Universität Hamburg, Vortrag der Hamburger Sinologischen Gesellschaft)

06/2006: – China’s Administration of Maritime Trade during the Qing Dynasty (Havard-Yenching-Institute, International Conference "Reviewing the Past, Projecting the Future", June 2-4, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., USA)

05/2006: – Quellen Ostasiens zum Indik ab dem 17. Jahrhundert [Sources on the Indian Ocean from the 17th century onwards] (2. Bonner Islamwissenschaftliche Gespräche, Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften der Universität Bonn)

04/2006: – Chinas Aufschwung und die Perspektiven einer ostasiatischen Integration im 21. Jahrhundert [China’s upswing and the perspectives of an East Asian integration in the 21st century] (Philosophisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria)

03/2006: – Characteristics of Wudai tomb inscriptions: the inscription of Wang Chuzhi as an example (The Tōhō gakkai 東方學會, Tōkyō, Japan)

03/2006: – Ryūkyūan Physicians in China and Chinese Medicine on the Ryūkyūs during the mid-Qing Period (c. 1750-1840) (Asian Migrations. Conference of the Asian and Asian American Studies Program, Binghamton University, SUNY, USA)

03/2006: – The Administration of Maritime Trade in Early Qing China (Asian & Asian American Studies Program, Department of History, Binghamton University, SUNY, USA)

03/2006: – Maritime Trade between China and her Neighbours form Song to Qing (History Department, Columbia University, NY, USA)


12/2005: - "Besonderheiten der Verwaltung des Überseehandels in der ersten Hälfte der Qing-Zeit, c. 1644-1800" (Universität Tübingen; Seminar für Sinologie und Koreanistik, DFG-Forschergruppe "Monies, Markets, and Finance in China and East Asia, 1600-1900")

11/2005: - Projektevaluierung; "Die Verknüpfung zwischen den sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklungen in China und der Seeverbotspolitik zur Zeit der Ming-Dynastie"

10/2005: - Europäer in chinesischen Schriften des 17.-19. Jahrhunderts (Tagung der Konferenz für Geschichtsdidaktik "Europa in historisch-didaktischen Perspektiven", Schloß Siebeneichen, Meißen)

08/2005: - Sino-Ryūkyūan relations in the field of medicine at the beginning of the 19th century: Tokashiki Tsukan and Lü Fengyi (Joint paper together with Prof. Dr. Takatsu Takashi, Kagoshima University, Japan, The 11th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia 第十一届国际东亚科学史会议)

02/2005: - Characteristics of Song period tomb inscriptions and their origins (Hiroshima University, Japan)

02/2005: - The "Liuqiu baiwen 琉球百問" (Hundred Questions from the Liuqius; 1859) by Cao Cunxin Renbo 曹存心仁伯 (1767-1834): an example of an intercultural encounter in the field of medicine (The Tōhō gakkai 東方學會, Tōkyō, Japan)

02/2005: - The Sea as a commercial contact zone (Maritime Space, International Conference, Munich University, Germany)

01/2005: - Activities of Koreans in the East Asian “Mediterranean” from c. 1400-1700 (National Folk Museum, Seoul, Korea)

01/2005: - Activities of Koreans in the East Asian “Mediterranean” from c. 1400-1700 (Mokpo University, Mokpo, Korea)


11/2004: - Agrikultur und landwirtschaftliche Entwicklungen in Ostasien, 16.-19. Jahrhundert [Agriculture and agricultural development in East Asia, 16th through 19th century] (Vienna University, Department of History, Austria)

10/2004: - Liuqiu baiwen yu Lü Fengyi de shenfen 琉球百問與呂鳳儀的身份 [The Liuqiu baiwen and the identity of Lü Fengyi] (Fuzhou Shifan daxue, Lishixi, China)

10/2004: - The “Liuqiu baiwen”: an example for the state of medicine on the Ryūkyūs in the early 19th century” (Chinese University of Hong Kong, History Department, Hong Kong)

09/2004: - Besonderheiten der ming- und qingzeitlichen Verwaltung des Überseehandels [Characteristics of the Ming and Qing period administration of maritime trade] (Deutscher Orientalistentag, Halle, Germany)

08/2004: - Reality & ideology in Wudai China: The tomb inscription of Wang Chuzhi 王處直 as an ex-ample (ICANAS 37, Moscow, Russia)

06/2004: - The “Liuqiu baiwen 琉球百問” (Hundred Questions from the Liuqius; 1859) by Cao Cunxin Renbo 曹存心仁伯 (1767–1834): an example of an intercultural encounter in the field of medicine (Reading lecture, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, UK)

03/2004: - Medizin und Ethik im modernen China [Medicine and ethics in modern China] (Seminar of the Bavarian State Government, Landshut, Germany)

02/2004: - Materia Medica as commodities in the trade between the Persian Gulf and China (Vienna University, Institute of Iranistik, conference paper: Interaction on the Maritime Silk Route, Austria)

01/2004: - Discussion of Prof. S. Heilmann’s paper on “Financial developments in China” (Annual seminar of the Association of Social Chinese Studies, Bonn, Germany)


- Kriege und politische Auseinandersetzungen in Nordchina, c. 9.-10. Jh., in der Darstellung von Grabinschriften [Wars and political clashes in Northern China, c. 9th-10th centuries] (Werkstattgespräch “Krieg und Akkulturation”, Historisches Seminar, Universität Wien, Austria)

12/2003: - China und Zentralasien: Eine “Perilious Frontier” [China and Central Asia: a perilious frontier] (Ringvorlesung “Krieg und Akkulturation”, Historisches Seminar, Universität Wien)

08/2003: - Die Grabinschrift des Wang Chuzhi: Krieg, Ideologie und Moral im 10. Jahrhundert [The tomb inscription of Wang Chuzhi: war, ideologiy and morality in Wudai China] (HSG, Universität Hamburg)

05/2003: - Die politisch-ökonomische Entwicklung Chinas unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner Beziehungen zum Westen in der Zeit von c. 1000-1800 [The politico-economic development of China, under particular consideration of its relations to the West] (Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg, part of a lecture series on “Europe and Asia, 16.-18. Jh., Luxembourg; Blockvorlesung)

- The “Fujian yanhai hangwu dang’an 福建沿海航務檔案” (jiaqing 嘉慶 period, 1796-1820): an interesting collection of documents on shipbuilding, trade, sea transportation, and various other related matters (Workshop on Science & Technology, Universität Tübingen, Germany)

04/2003: - The “Liuqiu baiwen” (Hundred Questions from the Liuqius) by Cao Cunxin (1859): an example for the intercultural encounter in the field of medicine (3rd International Symposium on Ancient Books and Records on Science and Technology, Universität Tübingen, Germany)

03/2003: - Zusammenfassung und Diskussion aller Beiträge im Rahmen der Konferenz „Die Provinz Guangzhou in der Zeit vom Neolithikum bis zur Tang-Zeit“ [Resumée and conclusion of the conference „Guangdong Province from the neolithicum until Tang times] (Department für Asienstudien, Universität München, Germany)

- Die maritime Seidenstraße in der Zeit vom 10. bis zum 15./16. Jahrhundert [The maritime silk route in the time period from the 10th through the 15th/16th centuries] (Kulturforum im Burgkloster zu Lübeck im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe „Handel, Geld und Politik“, Germany)

02/2003: - Veränderungen der universitären Ausbildung im Rahmen des chinesischen Reformprogramms [Recent developments in the university education in the course of the Chinese reform programme] (Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany)


- Das ostchinesische Mittelmeer, ca. 1500-1850: Beziehungen und Netzwerke [The East Asian Mediterranean, c. 1500-1850: Relations and networks] (Institut für Islamwissenschaften, Universität Bochum, Germany)

11/2002: Dongya “Zhonghai”: Xianglin guojia zhijian de xin neihan 東亞“地中海”相臨國家之間的 新內含 [The East Asian Mediterranean: A new quality in the relationship of its neighbouring countries] (9th International Conference of the Society for the History of Sino-Ryūkyūan Relations, Wuyishan, China)

08/2002: - On the Origin and Functions of huiguan 會館 in the late Ming and Qing Periods (EACS con-ference, Moscow, Russia)

06/2002: - Der Austausch medizinischer Produkte und medizinischer Kenntnisse zwischen China und den Ryūkyūs in der späten Ming- und der Qing-Dynastie (Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Institut für Geschichte der Medizin, München)

- Deguo he Oumeng dui Zhongguo de wenhua zhengzhi fangzhen er qi tedian 德國和歐盟 對中國的文化政治方針而其特點 [Germany’s and the EU’s cultural policy vis à vis China and its characteristics] (as part of a conference of the party leaders of Henan province, Zhengzhou, China)

04/2002: - Zaoqi muzhiming de qiyuan 早期墓誌銘的起源 [On the origins of epitaphs] (Institute of History, Nanjing University, China)

03/2002: - Guanyu Songchao muzhi de tedian 關於宋朝墓誌的特點 [Characteristics of Song period tomb inscriptions] (as part of a seminar, Institute of History, Beijing University, China)

02/2002: - Das chinesische Festland und Taiwan: Ein Überblick von der Song-Dynastie bis zur frühen Qing-Zeit (c. 10.-17. Jh.) [The Chinese mainland and Taiwan: a survey from Song times until the early Qing period] (Institut für Sinologie, Universität Göttingen, Germany)


12/2001: - Leseausbildung im songzeitlichen China“ [Reading education in Song China] (DVCS-Tagung in Berlin, Germany)

11/2001: - China: Ein Emporium wirtschaftlicher Prosperität [China: an emporium of economic prosper-ity] (part of a lecture series, Universität Wien „1450-1620: Ein langes 16. Jahrhundert?“, History Department, Austria)

- On some materia medica exchanged between China and the Ryūkyū islands during the Ming and Qing periods (Fundação Oriente, Lissabon, Portugal)

10/2001: - Le rôle des femmes et d’enfants dans l’esclavage [Women and Children in Slavery] (Rapporteur; 3rd International Colloqium on Slavery, Avignon, France)

05/2001: - Der Gelbe Fluß: Hochwasserschutz vor 1000 Jahren“ [The Yellow River: flood protection a thousand years ago] (Hamburger China-Gesellschaft, Hamburg, Germany)


11/2000: - Hainans politisch-ökonomische Anbindung an das Festland [Hainan’s politico-economic at-tachment to the Chinese mainland] (Institut für Ostasienkunde, Universität München, Germany)

- China im Jahre 1000: Eine Zeit des ideologischen und wirtschaftlichen Umbruchs [China in the year 1000: a time of ideological and economic transformation] (Universität Kiel, part of a lecture series, ZAAS, on “Times of Historical Change”, Germany)

05/2000: - Slaves and Forms of Slavery in Late Imperial China, 17th to early 20th century [Esclaves et formes d’esclavage dans la Chine impériale, 17ème à 20ème siècles] (Université d'Avignon, Avignon, France)

04/2000: - Der Gelbe Fluß (Huanghe): Bewältigung und Verwaltung der Fluten vor 1000 Jahren [The Yellow River: management and administration of the floods a thousand years ago] (Vortrag im Rahmen des Symposiums „Die Welt im Jahre 1000“, (Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Hallw, Germany)


12/1999: - Grabinschriften im Alten China [Tombs in ancient China] (Mediävistenkreis, Kiel, Germany)

11/1999: - Gräber der gesellschaftlichen Elite im alten China: Ein Beispiel aus dem 10. Jh [Tombs of the élite in ancient China: an example from the 10th century] (Interdisziplinäres Seminar der Philosophischen Fakultät, Universität Kiel, Germany)

01/1999: - Der Überseehandel als Freiheit und Schranke der songzeitlichen Haushalts- und Finanzpolitik [Maritime trade as liberty and restraint of the Song period budget and finance politics] (Universität Köln, Köln, Germany)


09/1998: - Perceptions of death and burial during the Wudai period (bi-annual EACS conference, Edinburgh, UK)

- To the “Yellow Springs”: Changing attitudes towards death and burial from the Tang to the Song (Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands)

06/1998: - Changes in the Silk and Textile Production in Fujian, Tang through Song Dynasties (ICAS, Nordwijkerhoudt, the Netherlands; panel organiser: The economic development of Fujian, Song through Qing dynasties)

05/1998: - Liao Mosha's literature: Was it anti-communist? (Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands)

04/1998: - The maritime trade of Quanzhou from the 9th to the 13th centuries (History Department and Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems and Civilizations, Binghamton University, SUNY, USA)

- The state of Song Studies in Europe (Annual Meeting of the AAS and the Board of Song Yuan Studies, Washington DC, USA)

03/1998: - The Superintendency of maritime trade in the Song dynasty: local autonomy or central control? (Harvard University, Cambr., Mass., USA)


11/1997: - Developments and characteristics of Quanzhou's overseas trade during the Song period (Museum für Völkerkunde, Leiden, the Netherlands)

09/1997: - The role of metals as use and exchange values in Quanzhou's overseas trade during the Song Period (IIAS-conference, Leiden, the Netherlands)

06/1997: - Changes in the field of silk exports along the overseas silk route, 8th to mid 11th centuries (Annual Conference & of the World History Association, Pamplona, Spain)

03/1997: - Der klassische deutsche Idealismus (Kant, Hegel) und sein Chinabild [] (Leiden University, the Netherlands)


- Reflections about the textileindustry around Quanzhou during the Song dynasty (Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands)

09/1996: - Reflections about the textile industry around Quanzhou during the Song dynasty (bi/annual EACS-Conference, Barcelona, Spain)

02/1996: - Medizin und medizinischer Fortschritt im songzeitlichen China [Medicine and medical progress in Song China] (Universität Würzburg, Germany)


03/1995: - Characteristics of Song period tomb inscriptions (Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands)


05/1993: - Besonderheiten songzeitlicher Grabinschriften [Characteristics of Song period tomb inscriptions] (Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany)


06/1992: - Guanyu Songchao muzhi de tedian 關於宋朝墓誌的特點 [On the characteristics of Song period epitaphs] (CASS, Beijing, China)